Me: how did you stretch that?
Karen: I just... stretched it
Me: we usually can't stretch anything to be more than 10m, right?
Karen: oh no, that changed a while ago
Karen: the 10m limit is gone
Me: didn't work for me :(
Karen: I think you have to be the owner?
Me: sorry i spoiled your prim
Me: lol
Karen: you didn't spoil it, lol
Karen: It's just a stupid flat prim
Me: still didn't work for me
Me: hmmm
Karen: er, you might want to tp home :D
Me: is there any special setting you have that i don't?
Karen: I think I just smashed us through the skybox floor
Me: i am safe and sound :D
Karen: Perhaps I have Magikul powurrs
Me: ...
Me: there's nothing like a megaprim to keep me awake at night
Karen: but no, I am looking through my settings and I don't see "make big honking prims" checked anywhere
Karen: as far as i know they just changed the 10x10x10 limit
Me: blah, will check it out tomorrow
So... how do I make a megaprim???
Posted by Tashi Core