Rainbows, Rubbish, Ravings and Ramblings of my Random Existence

20 September 2010

What? Monday Again? :(

I never seem to get enough sleep these days, even if I make it a point to go to bed by 10.30pm. Serious. I fare better in the weekends but I have somehow lost the ability to compensate by oversleeping, the way I was able to in my err, younger days. These days, I balance up by moving around like a zombie with dark rings under my eyes. *sighs*

SL's been rather slow for the past two weeks, partly because I haven't been running around looking for troubleadventure. Sure, there were definitely moments worth capturing but my brain just missed them until it was too late.

Like when I bumped into one of my favouritest designer Nicky Ree at her shop over the weekend, I.should.have.taken.a.pic.with/of.her. Right??? *sighs*

Posted by Tashi Core

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